"Kusanagi-kan" in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, is a historical park that reproduces the castle ruins built by Kusanagi Hideyoshi, a vassal of Oda Nobunaga, during the Warring States period. The park features reconstructed castle facilities such as the main enclosure, second enclosure, and third enclosure, allowing visitors to catch a glimpse of what it was like during that time. Additionally, events such as exhibitions of armor and weapons, as well as warrior processions, are held, making it popular among history enthusiasts and families. The surrounding area also boasts cherry blossom viewing spots and hot springs, making it a facility that can be enjoyed as a tourist destination. [Text: @AI, Translation: @AI]
Address | 1-1 Jingu, Atsuta-ku, Nagoya City |
Region | Japan > Aichi > Nagoya |
Main Tags | #Experiences , #Museum&Zoo , #Museum , #national_treasure , #熱田神宮 , #熱田 , #Aichi_Aichi_Prefecture , #Nagoya_city , #highstatus_Shinto_shrine , #宝物 , #cultural_property , #日本刀 , #刀 , #記念写真 |
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