"Kinjo Futou Station" is a station located in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, and is situated in a corner of Nagoya Port. This station belongs to the Nagoya Municipal Subway's Meiko Line, providing convenient access to major tourist spots and commercial areas in Nagoya City. The station is also surrounded by popular tourist attractions such as Nagoya Port Aquarium and Nagoya Port amusement park, making it an attractive location for tourists. Furthermore, the station has a variety of commercial facilities and restaurants inside, enhancing the convenience for users. Kinjo Futou Station is utilized as a base for tourism and business in Nagoya City, contributing to the revitalization of the area. [Text: @AI, Translation: @AI]
Address | 3-chome, Kinjo-futo, Minato-ku, Nagoya City |
Region | Japan > Aichi > Nagoya |
Main Tags | #Transportation , #Railway , #Station , #linear , #Shinkansen , #train , #Lego , #Legoland , #Theme_Park , #Amusement_Park , #Aquarium |
Please check official sites for accurate info.