Okehazama Kosenjo Park is located in Atsuta-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, and is a historical battlefield where the battle between Oda Nobunaga and Imagawa Yoshimoto took place. Inside the park, there are dioramas and museums that reproduce the battle scenes, allowing visitors to learn about the military situation and the lives of the warlords at that time. Additionally, every year at Okehazama Kosenjo Park, the Okehazama Battle Festival is held, featuring events such as a warlord parade and mock battles. It is known as a place where history enthusiasts and fans of the Warring States period can have a valuable experience. [Text: @AI, Translation: @AI]
Address | 1001 Kitasancho, Akesakama Kita, Midori Ward, Nagoya City |
Region | Japan > Aichi > Nagoya |
Main Tags | #Sightseeing , #Architecture_&_Building , #Ruins , #Park , #桶狭間 , #織田信長 , #今川義元 , #桶狭間の戦い , #日本三大奇襲 |
Please check official sites for accurate info.
Sightseeing around「Okehazama Battlefield Park」
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @KainMackenzie
PC: @KainMackenzie
PC: @西尾市観光振興課・西尾市観光協会
PC: @しずくいし
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @lime
Experiences around「Okehazama Battlefield Park」
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @西尾市観光振興課・西尾市観光協会
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @Shiz
Eating around「Okehazama Battlefield Park」
PC: @Lea
PC: @Lea
PC: @Gilly
PC: @袋井市ICT政策/観光課
PC: @袋井市ICT政策/観光課
PC: @Lea
PC: @Lea
PC: @Lea
Staying around「Okehazama Battlefield Park」
PC: @yatakiya
PC: @さくらこまち
PC: @travelog
PC: @travelog
PC: @Lea
PC: @masahiro
PC: @和歌山県観光連盟
PC: @travelog
Shopping around「Okehazama Battlefield Park」
PC: @KainMackenzie
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
Transportation around「Okehazama Battlefield Park」
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club