"Nayabashi" is a historic bridge located in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. This bridge spans across the outer moat of Nagoya Castle, serving as an important transportation route connecting the castle and the urban area. Nayabashi was built during the Edo period and has undergone several renovations to its current form. The bridge is characterized by its beautiful stone arches and stone walls that exude a historical atmosphere. Additionally, cherry trees are planted around the bridge, and in spring, the cherry blossoms bloom magnificently, attracting many visitors. Nayabashi is beloved by locals and tourists alike as one of Nagoya City's landmarks. [Text: @AI, Translation: @AI]
Address | Nagoya City |
Region | Japan > Aichi > Nagoya |
Main Tags | #Sightseeing , #Architecture_&_Building , #Bridge , #River , #Architecture , #Night_View , #Nagoya_city , #waterside , #Restaurant_Esp_Westernstyle , #Terrace , #Cafe , #Naya_Bridge , #Hirokojidori , #canal , #Illumination , #Cherry_Blossom , #ship , #Gondola |
Please check official sites for accurate info.
Sightseeing around「Nayabashi」
PC: @KainMackenzie
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @lime
PC: @しずくいし
PC: @Gilly
PC: @lime
Experiences around「Nayabashi」
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @西尾市観光振興課・西尾市観光協会
PC: @OU_odekake_club
Eating around「Nayabashi」
PC: @Gilly
PC: @たびぼっち
PC: @Lea
PC: @Lea
PC: @Lea
PC: @Lea
PC: @Lea
PC: @さくらこまち
Staying around「Nayabashi」
PC: @yatakiya
PC: @さくらこまち
PC: @travelog
PC: @travelog
PC: @Lea
PC: @masahiro
PC: @travelog
PC: @OU_odekake_club
Shopping around「Nayabashi」
PC: @KainMackenzie
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
Transportation around「Nayabashi」
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @OU_odekake_club