The Hōsa Bunko in Nagoya City is a historical building located in Aichi Prefecture, Japan, which houses valuable materials related to Japanese culture and history. Originally built as the residence of the Owari Domain lord Tokugawa Muneharu, the Hōsa Bunko is now open to the public. Its collection includes classical literature, historical books, paintings, and other materials that allow visitors to learn about Japan's traditional culture. The building itself is designated as an important cultural property, and is known as a tourist spot of high historical value. [Text: @AI, Translation: @AI]
Address | 1001 Tokugawa-cho, Higashi-ku, Nagoya City |
Region | Japan > Aichi > Nagoya |
Main Tags | #Experiences , #Museum&Zoo , #Museum , #古典文学 , #Nagoya_city , #Aichi_Aichi_Prefecture , #尾張 , #徳川美術館 , #書庫 , #続日本紀 , #源氏物語 , #文献 , #重要文化財 , #登録有形文化財 , #cultural_property |
Please check official sites for accurate info.
Sightseeing around「Nagoya City Hōsō Bunko」
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @KainMackenzie
PC: @KainMackenzie
PC: @しずくいし
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @lime
PC: @しずくいし
Experiences around「Nagoya City Hōsō Bunko」
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @西尾市観光振興課・西尾市観光協会
PC: @Shiz
PC: @OU_odekake_club
Eating around「Nagoya City Hōsō Bunko」
PC: @Gilly
PC: @たびぼっち
PC: @袋井市ICT政策/観光課
PC: @Lea
PC: @Lea
PC: @Lea
PC: @Lea
PC: @Lea
Staying around「Nagoya City Hōsō Bunko」
PC: @yatakiya
PC: @さくらこまち
PC: @travelog
PC: @travelog
PC: @Lea
PC: @masahiro
PC: @travelog
PC: @OU_odekake_club
Shopping around「Nagoya City Hōsō Bunko」
PC: @KainMackenzie
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
Transportation around「Nagoya City Hōsō Bunko」
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @OU_odekake_club
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @travelog_tmp
PC: @OU_odekake_club